I think I got a degree in 'sculpture' a while back -my memory's not clear. I've been trying to make this hanging/rotating sphere for over a year now out of a couple different materials, but for now, I'm back at square one. (Maybe a degree in engineering would help.) Who knew there were so many types of plaster? It turns out that what they call "dentist's plaster" is the strongest and whitest.

Some studio shots.
I've developed a new strategy that involves bouncy-balls and making a mess. No doubt the final product will be nothing like I envisioned and hopefully way better.
Vamos a ver...-PJ
i know how you feel! just finished the third and final version of a painting of a ride that was 2 months late! didnt realize all of the things i needed to know.... but i finished and i know you can to!! ps my and my best friend laura's blog wants to be friends with your blog meow-houston.blogspot.com