On our holiday trip to the eastern seaboard, everyone kept asking the same question: What's it like living in Mexico City? It was hard to answer without sounding like I was exaggerating or lying. I just rambled on, "Well, sometimes it feels like you're in Europe. There's this church that was built in the 1500s and it's sinking -it's also an art museum showing anti-christian sculptures made out of action figures- and these kids outside were spraying shaving cream all over each other and there was a giant inflatable condom on the main square with Indians dancing all around in feathered head-dresses whacking people with basil..." This is all true (and surprisingly normal at this point), but squeezing all I had to share through my mouth was just too difficult. So please visit us.
We came back home to the DF this past Thursday in the afternoon. What luck. It also happened to be the 6th of January when Mexicans celebrate Epiphany, or Three Kings Day, the last hurrah of the Christmas season. Before unpacking our bags, Kenny and I hopped on the metro and headed for the carnival downtown. The experience was a concentrated slap in the face of everything we love about living here. We only wish we had some friends with us to share it with!

The rides were so close together, practically touching.

Yes, small children in large beach balls on water.

One potato, one potato chip.

Smells good.

Merry Christmas

Get a picture with The Three Kings and your favorite cartoon characters.

A classic Tilt-A-Whirl blasting dance beats with guys jumping up on your seat to whip you around even faster. Our friend
Daniel Hernandez wrote about this.

We finished the night at our favorite cantina, drinking beers and listening to these guys sing the hits. Ahhh...
i think i've had about 6 epiphanies just looking at this blogpost.