Saturday, October 23, 2010

Basilica of Guadalupe

On the northern edge of the city at the base of the Tepeyac Hill is one of the most important religious sites in the Americas. According to legend, this is where the Virgin of Guadalupe miraculously appeared to Juan Diego and requested a church to be built in her honor (in 1531). What's important about the story is that she spoke in the indigenous tongue of Nalhuatl and physically resembled a preexisting native deity. Her relatable image eased the introduction of Catholicism in the Spanish conquest and eventually became a symbol of pride.

My purposefully blurry picture of the original Virgin of Guadalupe painting, as seen from the moving platforms...

It's pretty fun, they go in both directions. (A church service is going on just above this pit.)

Behind the old basilica is a mountain landscaped like Disneyland with fake waterfalls and sculptural tableaux, not to mention a beautiful view of the city.


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