Wednesday, December 9, 2009

El Grafico

The highlight of every morning living in New York was walking past the newsstand on my way to the subway. The daily journals would compete for the most eye-catching front page with a clever and punny headline. The New York Post would usually take the cake. Here's one of my favorites:
The stories advertised on the cover tended to be a little trashy, but also quite tame and humorous. "Oh No! Bedbugs are Back!"

Now, the papers here in Mexico City certainly know how to kick it up a notch. The most eye-catching of all: El Grafico. Viewer discretion is advised...

So, I can't say that walking past the newsstand here is the best part of my day, but it is always interesting. I also don't know Spanish well enough to determine if the headlines are puns -I hope not! Everyday -without fail- the front page has a sexy body, a violent crime scene, and a dead person. I'm having some vague school-memory of Freud's three "psychological drives" being sex, aggression, and death...?


1 comment:

  1. gracias a Dios para ti, pierre. y gracias a Jesu-Cristo para los periódicos. Mira el opuesto:
